In today’s sermon, Pastor Cristina delves into the themes of faith and God’s provision, drawing on the biblical stories of miraculous feedings from 2 Kings and the Gospel of John. She highlights how Elisha’s faith in God’s word leads to feeding a hundred people with only twenty loaves of barley and fresh grain, illustrating God’s abundant provision. Similarly, she reflects on Jesus’ miracle of feeding over 5,000 people with just five barley loaves and two fish, emphasizing the power of faith in times of uncertainty and scarcity.

Pastor Cristina connects these biblical events to contemporary challenges, such as her own experience of trusting God while planning a wedding for a large group in a small church. Through these narratives, she underscores the importance of recognizing and trusting in God’s abundance even amidst our daily struggles. She also explores the profound significance of Jesus’ declaration, “I am,” linking it to Moses and the Israelites in the desert, and emphasizes the importance of coming together at the table to share nourishment and fellowship.

The sermon calls on the congregation to embrace a spirit of faith and generosity, trusting in God’s provision and opening their hearts to share their resources and lives with others. This message encourages a deeper reflection on how faith can guide and sustain us through all of life’s challenges and opportunities.