Members and friends of New Creation,

There are many things that I can say. We have survived and in many aspects we have thrived. The time has come to move forward, try some new things, and reach out to those who have yet to find us.

The life of the church is not unlike our own. As we grow we first learn to crawl. We soon walk with a little help because we stumble once in awhile. In a short time we are on our own. As we see other kids running we decide to walk a little faster. The time comes when we must run to compete with the others. We fall once in awhile, get up, brush ourselves off, and then off we go again.

Sometimes we take a little risk. It doesn’t always work out the way we hoped that it would. We think of new ideas, devise a new plan and move on. With a little risk come rewards. We often have decisions to make. We can take the safe way or look at the rewards for taking a little risk and succeeding.

When your on a golf course preparing to make your next shot with a lake in front of you, there are two ways to play this shot. You can hit the ball left of the lake and take the long safe way. You most likely will get there and make your par. You know that attempting to hit the ball over the lake requires a very good shot. If you could pull this off you would be close enough to possibly make birdie. The risk you take is that a ball in the water means a penalty. Would this be the end of the game? Absolutely not. You regroup, drop another ball and make up that penalty on another hole.

We heard about the boy that struck out and ended his teams chance to win it all. He was disgusted with himself and vowed never to play the game again. Would Spot feel the same way if he was unable to catch the ball that had been thrown to him? No, he would pick it up and bring it over to you. He would then run back to his place and eagerly wait for you
to throw it again. Maybe this time you will throw it just a little higher or a little softer. Maybe you had made that last one a little to tough. You toss it , he catches it and here he comes. Spot was not going to give up. The more they would play the better he would get.

Change can be a good thing. Some things will work well. Others may need some fine tunning. Some may not work at all. But what would have been lost by having tried it. As someone once wrote, “ Life is like a dogsled team. If you don’t lead the scenery never changes.” New Creation has a fine group of people. We get up each day and go out to be the people our dogs think we are. Lets both open our arms and reach out. Others could certainly benefit from what we have here.

Roger Hanson