Pastor Cristina underscores the transformative power of divine grace through challenging societal norms and rules. Her sermon vividly illustrates the dichotomy between human limitations and divine possibilities, using scriptural references to encourage the congregation to reflect deeper. She discusses how, like fragile clay jars filled with divine light, humans are inherently weak yet capable of channeling God’s immense power for good.

She uses the narrative of Jesus challenging the Sabbath laws in Mark’s Gospel to emphasize the purpose of divine laws—to enhance human wellbeing rather than constrain it. Drawing parallels between biblical accounts and contemporary issues, Pastor Cristina calls for ‘good trouble,’ advocating for actions that, while sometimes appearing as rule-breaking, are aligned with a higher moral and divine purpose. This approach not only challenges the congregation to reassess their understanding of obedience and law but also inspires them to actively participate in transforming their communities through faith-driven actions.

Song List:

  • Welcome Song: “Beautiful One”
  • Sermon Song: “Trading My Sorrows”
  • Communion Song: “Christ, Be Our Light”
  • Sending Song: “God of Brilliant Lights”