Pastor Anne Carlson opens the service with enlightening readings that set the stage for a profound exploration of faith in action. The service begins with Psalm 146, celebrating God’s ceaseless faithfulness and care for the oppressed. It’s followed by James 2:14-17, which confronts the congregation with the necessity of embodying faith through deeds, particularly in aiding those in desperate need. The narrative then transitions to Mark 7:31-37, where Jesus heals a deaf and mute man, illustrating His priority of compassion over strict Sabbath observances, emphasizing that true service transcends conventional boundaries.

The highlight of today’s service is Melva Mack’s compelling testimony, which intricately ties into the day’s readings through her exploration of storytelling as a transformative force. Melva emphasizes the vital role of stories in shaping human experience, understanding, and faith. She shares her personal journey through serious health challenges, including a brain tumor diagnosis and subsequent recovery, illustrating how her story is one of survival, resilience, and divine grace. Her narrative not only reflects the physical manifestation of faith and healing, seen in the scriptural accounts but also underscores the power of personal testimony in fostering community and empathy among believers. Melva’s message leaves the congregation inspired, affirming that every individual’s story is a unique testament to God’s enduring presence and power in their lives.

Melva’s testimony resonates with the day’s readings, creating a coherent theme of resilience, divine intervention, and the power of faith in action. Her personal narrative of overcoming health challenges echoes the biblical messages of Psalm 146, which praises God’s role in delivering justice and aid to those in distress. Similarly, the passage from James stresses the necessity of active faith—embodied in Melva’s proactive approach to her health and recovery. Lastly, her story aligns with the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus performs a healing on the Sabbath, highlighting that compassionate action should not be hindered by rigid interpretations of the law. Melva’s experience and storytelling illustrate these principles vividly, demonstrating how personal trials can reflect broader spiritual truths and the transformative power of faith and community support.

Songs for the service:

  • Welcome Song: “Love Came Down (Daily Bread Upbeat Arrangement)”
  • Sermon Song: “Grace Wins”
  • Communion Song: “Let it Be”
  • Sending Song: “Old Church Choir”