Empowering Words: Reflecting Christ Through Our Speech – 09/15/24

This Sunday at New Creation Church, guest pastor Anne Carlson leads the service, introducing guest pastor LaVinnia Pierson who delves into the potent influence of words, drawing from Isaiah, James, and Mark. Pastor Pierson discusses the significant impact our words can have, emphasizing their potential to uplift or harm others. She connects these ideas with biblical narratives that illustrate the transformative power of spoken words and the responsibilities they entail.

Pastor Pierson elaborates on the teachings of Isaiah about resilience, James’s caution against the misuse of words, and how Jesus in Mark challenges conventional views, urging a life of self-denial and dedication to spiritual growth. She encourages the congregation to use their words wisely and to act in ways that embody the teachings of Jesus, reinforcing the message with personal anecdotes and theological insights.

Songs for the service:

  • Opening Song: Today is the Day
  • Sermon Song: My Sweet Lord
  • Communion Song: Shine
  • Sending Song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus