Just a reminder to everyone that there will be no 9 am service this coming Sunday, May 27. The 10:30 service is The Place to Be this week – with our 2012 Confirmation Class being confirmed by our Bishop, Mark Holmerud. A little celebration will follow, with cake and beverages. In addition to the confirmations, it is Pentecost Sunday, so it’s a fun day to wear red if you want. We will feel that Spirit moving in our midst!
About The Author

We are a small community of about 70 people. Attendance varies at our services, depending on the month, the weather, and/or the occasion. We have people of all ages and backgrounds. While many of us identify ourselves as Lutherans, many also come from other faith communities, some consider themselves agnostic, and some are still discovering (or undecided).
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Come See
Sunday Service:
Rock Your Soul: 10:00 am
We meet in person, on Zoom, and are streaming through our Facebook page.
7275 Santa Teresa Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95139
To join us on Zoom as we worship, commune, and reconnect virtually as a community. Click on this link https://zoom.us/j/608626295.