We stand in a mighty 500-year tradition of reformation – celebrate with beer and brats after church! You’re invited to bring other beverages and sides to share if you’d like.
Reformation Sunday – October 29

Posted by Becky Everson | Sep 30, 2023 | News |
We stand in a mighty 500-year tradition of reformation – celebrate with beer and brats after church! You’re invited to bring other beverages and sides to share if you’d like.
Becky is a longtime member of New Creation Church and active on the worship planning team. Becky's favorite part about being a Lutheran in general and part of New Creation in particular is the encouragement to study and question theology, the Bible, and related history. She loves to sing and is really grateful to be a part of the New Creation band, Daily Bread.
Sunday Service:
Rock Your Soul: 10:00 am
We meet in person, on Zoom, and are streaming through our Facebook page.
7275 Santa Teresa Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95139
To join us on Zoom as we worship, commune, and reconnect virtually as a community. Click on this link https://zoom.us/j/608626295.