In today’s sermon, Pastor Cristina draws upon powerful scriptures from Job, Psalms, and Mark to explore the themes of divine sovereignty and human faith amidst chaos. She begins with God’s response to Job from the whirlwind, asserting His creation’s mastery and questioning Job’s understanding of the universe’s foundation. This theme of divine omnipotence seamlessly connects to Psalm 107, where the psalmist recounts the terrifying power of the sea, calmed by God’s command, and the profound gratitude of those delivered from peril.

Transitioning to the New Testament, Pastor Cristina reflects on the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus, amidst a tempest, rebukes both the wind and His disciples’ lack of faith, demonstrating His control over nature and inviting His followers to trust in His power. Through these readings, Pastor Cristina emphasizes that, like the disciples and the Psalmists, we are called to recognize God’s authority over the chaos in our lives and to respond with faith and thanksgiving.

She concludes by relating these biblical themes to contemporary struggles and the ongoing journey toward justice and peace, urging the congregation to use their privileges to foster change and embody the faith that sustains through storms. Her message is a compelling reminder of the steady presence of God in our tumultuous world and our role in manifesting His kingdom on earth.

Opening Song: Today is the Day
Sermon Song: Forever
Communion Song: Give Thanks
Closing Song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus